“Terrifying Tomatoes: Should You Add Dressing or Holy Water?”
In a world filled with culinary wonders, where tomatoes are considered a staple of salads and sandwiches, an unexpected horror has emerged. It seems that Mother Nature, not content with producing ordinary, round, and juicy tomatoes, has thrown a curveball into the vegetable (or fruit?) kingdom. A photo has surfaced, depicting tomatoes that don’t just offer a fresh bite—they seem to offer a fright bite!
The image, which has now gone viral with the caption, “I don’t know whether to add dressing or holy water,” showcases a tomato slice with a rather unnerving expression. Its seeds and inner pulp have, against all odds, formed what can only be described as a face—an eerie, unnaturally grinning face. It’s enough to make even the most passionate tomato-lover consider switching to cucumbers, or at the very least, contemplating whether a quick exorcism is necessary before tossing it in a salad.
The Rise of Possessed Produce: Are Tomatoes Turning Evil?
As if 2024 hasn’t already thrown enough at us, now we have to deal with possessed produce. Is this the beginning of the end, where our food starts staring back at us? Some people say it’s just a case of “pareidolia,” the human tendency to see faces in random objects—like clouds, or the front of a car—but others aren’t so convinced. After all, when was the last time your salad appeared to smile at you with a look that says, “I’m watching you, Karen”?
Tomatoes have always had a bit of a murky past. They were once called “love apples,” a term that’s way too suggestive for a vegetable that now looks like it crawled out of a Stephen King novel. Who could forget that tomatoes were once thought to be poisonous in Europe? Well, with images like these surfacing, it seems like the question isn’t so much whether they’re poisonous but whether they’ve been possessed by some unholy spirit from the salad bar beyond.
Should You Call a Priest Before Making Bruschetta?
At what point do we decide that food has crossed the line from delicious to demonic? While the jury is still out on whether this tomato was sent from the seventh circle of hell or just the bottom of the produce bin, people are taking no chances. Social media is full of advice on how to deal with these new terror-tomatoes:
“Before chopping, make the sign of the cross. If it starts hissing, run!”
“Forget salad dressing—try holy water or maybe just garlic vinaigrette, just to be safe.”
“Throw the whole salad away. You never know what’s lurking in the lettuce now!”
One user commented, “What do I do if it starts chanting in Latin?” Another replied, “You burn it. You burn it now.”
Others, however, are seeing the humor in the situation. After all, it’s not every day your lunch greets you with a demonic grin. Some have already started suggesting that restaurants should have a new disclaimer: “Warning: some of our ingredients may attempt to communicate with you.”
The Memes Write Themselves
As with all things slightly creepy and wildly unexpected, the internet has responded in the only way it knows how—with memes.
One popular meme features a tomato priest performing an exorcism on its unholy brethren with the caption, “In the name of Caesar salad, I cast you out!” Another shows a bottle of ranch dressing held like holy water by a nervous salad chef, shouting, “The power of greens compels you!”
And of course, Halloween memes have exploded. This year, instead of pumpkins, why not carve a tomato? It’s already halfway there, thanks to nature’s terrifying handiwork.
But tomatoes aren’t the only culprits. People are sharing pictures of all sorts of devilish-looking fruits and vegetables. Cucumbers with what looks like angry eyebrows, apples with creepy dimples, even potatoes that look like they’ve seen some things. But the tomatoes are by far the worst offenders, with their perfectly round bodies giving way to evil little faces hiding just below the surface.
Salad or Summoning Circle?
The rise of these unsettling veggies has sparked debate in culinary circles as well. Chefs are asking the tough questions: Do we eat them? Do we roast them in holy fire? Do we offer them as sacrifices to some ancient kitchen god?
“I’ve been in this business for 20 years,” said world-renowned chef Antonio Fettuccine. “And I’ve seen some weird produce. But never has a tomato made me fear for my soul. I think it’s time to rethink gazpacho.”
Vegetarian horror movies could be next on the list of upcoming entertainment trends. Move over, “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”—now we have “The Tomato That Stared Back.” One thing’s for sure: no one will ever look at a caprese salad the same way again.
Why Are We Like This?
So, what is it about this tomato face that’s so unsettling? Scientists would say it’s all just a coincidence, that no tomato is actually plotting our demise. (But they would say that, wouldn’t they?) Still, the weirdness of the image taps into our most primal fear—that even our food can turn against us. After all, it’s bad enough when the WiFi goes down; do we really need our veggies to get involved in the conspiracy?
Some are even going so far as to connect the dots between this tomato and other strange occurrences. “First, it was the Murder Hornets, and now it’s Evil Tomatoes,” one Twitter user wrote. “Is this what the end times look like? Someone check the grocery store for four horsemen on aisle seven!”
But for others, it’s simply a sign of the times. “2024,” says another meme, “the year when even your lunch has attitude.”
How to Handle Your Possessed Tomato
While the situation may seem dire, there are steps you can take to avoid a confrontation with a salad that’s clearly gone off the deep end. Experts suggest the following:
1. Inspect Before You Chop: Give your produce a good once-over before you start slicing. If it looks like it’s going to whisper “redrum” from inside your BLT, it’s probably best to toss it.
2. Invest in Garlic: While garlic is known for warding off vampires, it seems like it might also work on creepy vegetables. Just add a few cloves to your salad and hope for the best.
3. Consider New Toppings: Holy water, as mentioned earlier, might just be the next big trend in salad dressing. Not only does it cleanse your spirit, but it also pairs nicely with mozzarella.
4. Embrace the Madness: Ultimately, we’re all in this together. If your tomato starts showing signs of demonic possession, just laugh it off and post a meme. After all, we’re living in a time when nothing is too weird anymore.
In Conclusion: Add Dressing… and Maybe a Prayer
At the end of the day, this tomato is just another reminder that 2024 is truly the year that keeps on giving. Whether you see the humor in it or feel the chill of terror running down your spine, one thing is clear: dinner will never be the same again.
And if all else fails, just reach for the holy water and pray that the croutons don’t get any ideas next.